Saturday, November 14, 2009

Help stop animal testing in Portugal!! - The Petition Site

In Azambuja, in Portugal, is about to be built one of the largest breeding centers of Europe for the creation of animals used in scientific experimentation. The project, funded by the Portuguese and Community funds in the amount of 27 million euros, is sponsored by Champalimaud Foundation, in partnership with the University of Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and supported by the Portuguese Government.

Given the widely documented failure of animal testing, public funding of the "vivarium" is scandalous and represents a stagnation of scientific progress and squandering of money in infrastructure doomed to failure.

To make Portugal an international example of scientific innovation and accreditation, the safe bet will be to develop new experimental alternatives rather than a business that promises to be ruinous both ethical and economically.

We call for a serious investment in science in Portugal:

- ban investment of public funds in the construction of commercial animal facilities;

- ban on the creation of experiments in animals;

- the prohibition to cause acute and prolonged suffering to animals used for experimental purposes;

- ban using animals in experiments for military purposes, and teaching related to xenotransplantation, tobacco, alcohol or cleaning products;

- the obligation of all laboratories having an ethics committee, which includes at least one element of an association of animal rights;

- The construction of a 3R Center for Research of Alternative Methods in Portugal

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